Thursday, 29 March 2007


Some years ago, 4 ladies came up with the idea to set up the IWC - Independent Woman's Club.

A club whose mission is to not let the friendship dwindle and to always enhance the woman bond that we learnt (all of us) to treasure.

A club whereby the activities surrounds dinner and gossips (exchange of data, I mean =p). All sorts of stories, from in-laws, boyfrens to frenster and the latest hangouts ...etc

A club which has now progressed onto the online platform, welcoming new audiences and readers to witness the club's progress.

A club which we hold dearly to always continue its legacy, I hope?!

So cheers to the IWC!

~6th Sense


Ribena, SeamonkeY, Lara and 6th Sense said...

Amen to that sista! :)

~ Lara ~

Anonymous said...

hear hear!