Thursday, 29 March 2007

Ew, what's that smell?

Personal hygiene is of utmost importance. And I'd say, that it definitely doesn't apply to just dating. It should be a personal responsibility - a form of respect and loving oneself. Of course "Personal Hygiene" can apply to many different things, but the focus of this entry is Body Odour and Bad Breath.

(A) Body Odour
"B.O., My Gawd!" my bro-in-law screams in disgust whenever we hang out and encounter some deadly whiff from another human form. And what that happens, both of us would quickly "SWOOSH" away. I honestly do not understand how some people can be quite oblivious to the way they smell. I mean do they not know that they are actually contributing to the already bad air pollution that already exist? Ok, I don't mean to be rude. There are some people who genuinely have a problem where the B.O. persists due to a variety of reasons, i.e. the food they eat, or perhaps, it could be in their genes etc. The point that I'm trying to make here is, B.O. is a condition that can be treated. They should love and respect themselves as well as others to go and consult a doctor.

Also, if you're in a relationship or at least in courtship stage, smelling nice is key. If you smell good, it will most definitely attract the guy/girl more, like having that special someone you like lean closer to you. ;) TRUST ME! So before you head out for your date, make sure you take a nice shower and spray that classy scent that you've just invested on.

(B) Bad Breath
Lets face it, you can look like a GREEK GOD and have 6 to 8 packs like the men in the movie "300", but with a breath that smell like 'the land of a thousand dead rats', you'll still not be able to score yourself a girl or a date! Ok fine, this applies to the girlies as well.

Moving further, it doesn't just apply to the dating situations, but having good breath is essential and key in business settings.

Some pointers in maintaining a fresh clean breath:
- Brush after every meal (if you're able to throw in mouthwash after that, it's a bonus!)
- Keep sugarfree mints handy (by having sugar content, you will find your bad breath will return again.)
- Floss after every meal (Toothpicks, will also do if flossing is not possible. Don't want to have unsightly bits of your food stuck in-between your teeth. Or worse, left 'unattended' to rot! EW!)
- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

In summary, being sensitive to the way you smell and the breath may just lead you to a happier and healthier living, not only for yourself but for the good of the humankind.

~ Lara ~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may I add...

esp when u are doing salsa!!!