Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Discovery in Post-Motem

Frenzy mother-in-law(MIL) spotted a new-born baby! As she searched around for more little lives, she noticed a white, decaying body floating. From the little traces of yellow left, she quickly identified and removed the deceased.

Still certain there were more little lives, she looked closely to make sure that no chance was missed.... Wala! She spotted two more... struggling to survive... Alas! Near them was yet another floating body. This body looked like a freshly departed body... A quick identity was made.

On closer inspection, MIL realised that inside this body contained many little lives... she squeezed and tried to salvage a few but non came out... she took a knife and carefully cut the stomach... only to find 26 fully developed bodies packed together dead in the warmth of their mother's belly.

We lost 2 lives... but salvaged 3... Thank God!

Ribena pet stories... our guppies...


Anonymous said...

It's like watching Gray's Anatomy. Or CSI Miami. Or Invasion.

Never knew MIL auntie was a part-time marine patheologist and aspiring TV artiste. Deadly combination.

In comparision, my MIL just makes fishballs. Slacker.


Anonymous said...

Hmph! U're married?! Tsk! :(