Wednesday, 20 June 2007


To Seamonkey .................... N Kenneth Cole

The profile should change yah? Seamonkey got hitched to Kenneth Cole who wore nice shoes!

Happy for you!! Yet no time and no mood to wish you (disclaimer : applies only to the past few days)

Finally able to wish you, its your turn to be busy.

So, here you go..............


A little update on 6th Sense : Been real busy organising Broadcast Asia, entertaining customers and fighting office politics. The most tiring and draining of all, fighting politics. I could write a whole long story of ah Low right on this blog, but there again, I think enough has been said. I am just waiting for God to deliver me out of Low's hands. Hmm..will jot KPIC's (KP&IC) Bali adventures in the next posting. Oh well, btw we started a new blog :

www. Pingrenetales .

We thought of diluting our mushy tales away from Mary Janes and a nice blog that "diarise" our couple journey was a nice thing to do. Not much written yet at this moment ...cos I havent had much of time , while KP's too busy with his mistresses ...check out the blog, he will be posting his mistress pictures.....heeeeeeeee..

~6th Sense (still in action and still blissfully happy:-)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

cant fnd the nw blog. link it to our site?

Anonymous said...


type it in, dont click on the link...

yep link to our blog no problem