Monday, 27 August 2007

Egg White Magic !

A new concoction :

Egg White : Tightens pores and whitens.
Grapefruit Essential Oil : Acts as astringent, cleans pores and controls oil production

The two combined together, put them on your face for 20 minutes, you will feel a slight tingling sensation which comes from the essential oil. Spread the concoction over your chin and jaw area as well, the egg white when dry tightens the face (prevents sagging flesh at the chin/jaw area). Its the tightening effect that gives you the pore tightening function!!

Benefits : skin whiter/fairer, pores smaller.

~6th Sense (trying out a new concoction, will need some time before I know if it works!)


Anonymous said...

i did the egg white mask when in secondary school. only to find out i'm allergic to it ha ha ... my whole face becomes itchy... but i've seen it work wonders on my aunty's blackheads.. literally see them stuck at the hardened mask.


Anonymous said...

maybe i shld try. can i just do the egg white but without th grape fruit?

Anonymous said...

sure. the grapefruit just helps in cleaning the pores.

oh having said tat, makes sense to clean then tighten the pores?

oh well start with egg white first. Tea tree oil can be used to replace grapefruit. Tea tree cleans the pores thro its anti bacterial function.

Anonymous said...

hey hey i realise i meant rosemary and not grapefruit...dont ask me how come i wrote grapefruit!

must have seen grapefruit somewhere...

er so its rosemary.