Thursday 25 October 2007

Still on criagslist...

After another hour of reading "Best of" on craigslist, I realised I'm as crazy as them for reading as they are writing to (their):

1. Cats (girlfriends'/neighbours'/strangers')
2. Roaches in the house
3. Fridge in the office
4. Some guy on the subway
5. Some girl on the subway
6. Interns
7. Pidgeons who eat up crap on the sidewalk
8. Boobs
9. Annoymous neighbours who leaves annoymous post-it notes on doors
10. Stalkers
11. Mudders-in-law
12. Potential folks who may marry their ex-wives
13. More cats (cat writers are just funnier than dog writers)
14. New York/LA/Philly
15. The President (theirs, not ours)
16. Ipods
17. Some chick who worships the devil (this has to be one of the best, the bestest excuses I've heard for dumping a guy)
18. Vietnamese waxer
19. People who would like to adopt a one-fin, special needs stuffed penguin
20. Angelina Jolie

You're my inspiration.


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