And that, my friend, is a bottle of pepper spray. Homemade.
I always assume that pepper spray is available in Singapore until my recent search for it turned out to be not. My first (and only) bottle was bought a few years back while backpacking through Malaysia and Thailand, purchased over the counter at Watson's in easy is that?
This recent search is for Zaza's birthday present as well as for her impending trip to the States. I mean, she is flying off thousands of miles to meet a man in person for the very first time. Psychos are aplenty in US – haven't you been watching CSI or even better, true life re-enactments on Crime Night (that's Friday for us losers staying at home on a date night) on Discovery? Sure, the disclaimer on CSI is that characters portrayed are all fictitious, but dun you wonder where the writers draw their inspirations from?
Anyway, back to the pepper spray...
Turns out, pepper sprays are illegal in Singapore. What's a girl to do for something handy against perpetrators? Ems gave me the brilliant idea of mixing actual pepper with water and storing it in a spray bottle. While shopping for pepper at the supermarket, I came across tabasco sauce and the bulb went off in my head. Emptying out the tabasco sauce into the bottle and viola...pepper spray!
Zaza's new weapon of choice is good for robbers, snatch-thieves and even for the occasional pizza or spaghetti. As Charissa puts it, it even leaves a impossible-to-remove stain on potential criminals' clothes. Handy indeed.
1 comment:
SeaMonkey always lives up to her reputation... creative, unique and truely one of a kind :D
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